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 How to Become a Rummage/Garage Sale Superstar

garage-sale-womanTools To Help You
Here are some great articles and videos to help you find bargains as well as prepare and run a successful rummage/garage/yard sale. We would love to hear your event success stories, or any additional tips you can offer. Drop us a line!




Barter | Buyer | Seller – Price Guides | Seller – Checklist | Seller – How To’s and Tips
Fundraiser Sale Tips | Scam and Safety Tips | Humor



  • How to Barter Anything
    In these lean times, your only limit to what you can trade (computer help for birthday cakes? artwork for dental work?) is your imagination.



  • Finding Bargains and Treasures
    What’s trash to one person may be treasure to you. That’s why shopping at garage sales, rummage sales, yard sales can be a great way to find some bargains
  • Finding Bargains at Garage Sales
    If you’ve never been to a garage or estate sale, you are definitely missing out on some incredible bargains. Imagine finding baskets for fifty cents or old dressers for twenty dollars. Super-bargains can be yours with a little guidance and preparation.
  • Thrift Store Know How
    Shopping at thrift stores is not a new idea. Many, many people save money by purchasing pre-owned items, particularly clothing. Unfortunately, many people also go home and find that their new-found treasures are not what they expected them to be.
  • Garage Sale Buyer Tips – Be Informed
    Going garage sale shopping can be an exciting experience. Going from sale to sale looking for that perfect find to tell all your friends about can make for really enjoyable weekends. Listed below are a few buyers tips that we have put together for you to consider the next time you go garage sale shopping.
  • What Not To Buy At A Yard Sale
    The U.S. Consumer Protection Agency has highly recommended that you do not purchase certain items at yard sales. Below is a partial list. This gives you a general idea of what not to buy and to get you thinking about potential yard sale purchases. Further below I have listed some of the gross things I’ve seen for sale at yard sales.
  • Never Be Afraid To Ask for a Discount
    Garage Sale Susan discovered tag sales when she was young and needed to furnish an apartment on the cheap. It turned into a compulsion when she found inexpensive collectible items like Salty and Peppy Chefs—hand-painted souvenir salt and pepper shakers (she now has 200 sets). She’s turned the hobby into a career and is host of The Incurable Collector on A&E Television.
  • How to Get the Most Out of Rummage Sale Shopping
    Rummage sale shopping isn’t for everyone. Some people cringe at buying other people’s junk. Others find it much easier to simply go to the mall or their local specialty store to get what they need. Still others think that there’s a stigma attached to visiting rummage sales.
  • How to Attend An Annual City Wide Garage Sale
    Annual city wide garage/rummage sales are great fun and an economical way to shop since they are all in one area. 6 helpful steps to help you attend an annual city wide garage/rummage sale.


Pricing Guides

  • FREE Garage Sale Pricing Guide – organized by category
    This guide will help price items for a garage sale or yard sale. Most items should be priced 10%-30% of the original price. Of course, when pricing an item, you should take into account its condition, popularity and any other important factors. This is just a general guide to help approximate garage sale pricing.
  • FREE Tag Sale Pricing Guide – organized by home location
    Gwen Glass Carbone — a professional auctioneer, an eBay PowerSeller, an antiques dealer, a tag-sale pro (she attends more than 500 each year), and the author of How to Make a Fortune With Other People’s Junk (McGraw-Hill, $17, www.mcgrawhill.com) — suggests the following starting prices for popular yard-sale items.
  • FREE Kids Clothes Pricing Guide
    Pricing items for your garage or yard sale is one of the big headaches when preparing for a garage sale. It’s always hard to know what to price your items at, so here are a few Garage Sale Pricing Tips for pricing kid’s clothing.

Seller Checklist

Seller How To’s and Tips

  • Garage Sale Tips: Making Money from Your Junk
    Holding a garage sale is much more than just tossing your items onto a table on the front lawn and hoping for people to drive by and purchase them within a few hours – it takes planning and forethought to make your garage sale into a money-making endeavor that can recoup you major dollars!
  • Setting Up
    The most important step to having a successful yard sale is planning, planning and more planning! By following the steps that I have outlined for you, you are sure to have a safe and profitable sale!
  • Yard Sale Tips
    Great tips on preparing and and having a yard sale (many creative tips).
  • Advice for a Garage Sale
    I have just returned from a day of garage sales, and I can safely say that I was impressed with most of them. I have put on quite a few of these in my time, and I will share with you a few secrets to a profitable and pleasant experience.
  • How to Avoid Rummage Sale Mistakes
    Even with planning, little things can ruin an otherwise good sale. Here are some major pratfalls of rummage sales and ways to avoid them.
  • My Junk, Your Treasure
    There’s been a lot written about yard sales. But in all the articles I’ve seen, none have tried to apply techniques that are used by retailers to make the most of every sales opportunity. Let’s see if we can’t take some ideas from the big stores and use them in our simple yard sale.
  • How to Get Rid of Some Junk and Make a Profit While Doing It
    A good sale takes some work and planning. While you can still make extra money on one thrown haphazardly together, a well thought out and advertised sale will not only bring in some bigger bucks, it will eliminate a good deal of stress as the big day grows closer.

Fundraiser Sale Tips

  • How to Have a Charity Rummage Sale
    A successful charity rummage sale will require a lot of planning and elbow grease, but the results will be more than worth the effort.

Scams and Safety Tips

  • Yard Sale Scams – Be Aware
    Who would have thought that there are actual yardsale scam artists? With high-tech cameras in regular stores, a yardsale may seem like easy pickings to a thief and scam artists. Here are some things to watch out for when having a yardsale – also what to watch for if you are a yardsale customer.
  • Garage Sale Safety 
    Safety measures the seller should take to prevent robbery, theft or assault. While there is no way to be 100% safe in any situation, the following tips will help sellers stay safe.

Rummage / Garage Sale Humor  🙂